Plasma propulsion and nuclear fusion: innovating space transport
Sara Correyero Plaza.Behavior of plasma jets accelerated by a magnetic nozzle. Directores: E. Ahedo y D. Packan (ONERA, Francia). Sobresaliente cum laude
Jiewei Zhou.Modeling and simulation of the plasma discharge in a radiofrequency plasma thruster. Directores: E. Ahedo y P. Fajardo. Sobresaliente cum laude
Álvaro Sánchez Villar.Modeling the plasma discharge in an electron cyclotron resonance thruster. Directores: M. Merino y E. Ahedo. Sobresaliente cum laude
Alberto Marín Cebrián.Two-dimensional model of wall interaction in Hall effect thruster discharges. Directores: E. Ahedo y A. Dominguez
Alberto Modesti.A three-dimensional model and simulator of energetic plumes from space plasma thrusters. Directores: E. Ahedo, J. Zhou y F. Cichocki
Enrique Bello Benítez.Study of turbulent transport in Hall thrusters. Director: E. Ahedo.
Francisco Javier Escoto López. Fast and accurate calculation of the bootstrap current in low collisionality stellarator plasmas. Directores: J.L. Velasco e I. Calvo.
Igor Voldiner. On the interaction between turbulence, plasma heating and atomic physics in plasmas. Directores: B. van Milligen y E. de la Cal.
Marco Inchingolo.Design, development and characterization of a microwave electrodeless plasma thruster. Directores: M. Merino y J. Navarro.
Pedro Jiménez Jiménez.Investigation of wave-plasma interactions in electrodeless plasma thrusters. Directores: M. Merino y E. Ahedo.
Sadig Mulas.Experimental and numerical studies of Neutral Beam Current Drive and its impact on shear Alfven waves in the TJ-II stellarator. Director: A. Cappa.
Tatiana Perrotin.Design, simulation and testing of a low power Hall Effect Thruster. Directores: P. Fajardo y E. Ahedo.
Víctor Gómez. Improvements in Helicon Plasma Thruster for its evolution of space applications. Directores: P. Fajardo y J. Navarro-Cavallé